Thursday, 31 March 2011

HOWTO: Select Columns in Notepad++

Notepad++ is a great text editor for any sort of file. You name it, it can handle it. For engineering related files, Notepad++ allows you to select columns of text within the file. This is great for captures defines!

Here is how to do it:

“Alt + Left Mouse Click”

Hold the Alt key and then with the Left Mouse Click, select your column text. A tip, if you still want the text to retain its column structure, then first paste the select text in a new file and then copy that text into your destination file. If not, then when you paste the copied text from Notepad++, it will be pasted as a single line.


Thursday, 17 March 2011

HOWTO: Disable Annoying Content Preparation Progress in Acrobat 9

Are you using the new Acrobat 9 reader from Adobe? Have you realized that whenever you open a PDF, a window pops up showing the content preparation progress? This is a annoying window that pops up every time you open a PDF file and it does not prepare the content fast enough. So you are waiting for this window to disappear before you start view the PDF file.

There is a workaround! In Adobe Acrobat 9, do the following:

  1. From the top toolbar, click Edit and then select Preferences or Ctrl+K.
  2. From the left pane, select Reading.
  3. Under the Screen Reader Options group box, under Page vs Document, select Only read the currently visible pages.
  4. Click OK.
Now you will never see the content preparation progress window ever again!
